
New Hope Art Festival

Live Demo
Bucks County Playhouse

I spent the weekend at the New Hope Art Festival in New Hope, PA.  It was the last festival that I had scheduled for the season, however, I am considering one last one in CT at the end of Oct.  My Aunt Moira stopped by and spend most of Sunday with me, and took some photos of the booth and my live painting demo of the Bucks County Playhouse.

Now that I have several festivals under my belt, I have decided to create a blog series outlining a beginners guide to art festivals.  Although I am far from an expert, I've learned a lot over my first season that I think would be  helpful for artists who want to get started showing.

 - Booth Evolution -
Changes and Improvements to our
Booth Made Throughout the Summer
We have come a long way since our first booth setup at Corn Hill in Rochester or even our little table in the Manayunk Emerging Artist tent.  Beginning tomorrow, I'll talk about the evolution of our booth over the season - and some great resources to find the items that you'll need for your own setup.  I'll also talk about websites that I have found helpful and shows that I'll apply to again, as well as new shows that I am targeting for next summer.  Finally, no guide is complete without a what not to do so, I'll share all the whoopsies that we made in the process.

I've got a few new paintings to post this week...happily, I've purchased a new point and shoot, so no more poor quality iPhone images. I picked up a Nikon Coolpix.  6x optical zoom 16 mp and fits on my tripod perfectly.  I am really happy with the picture quality and love the slim size.  It was on sale for just south of $100 at Target.

Look for my series to begin tomorrow, and I'll post regular additions over the coming month.

Quick Tip 1 - When setting up your EZ up tent that has an awning, don't forget to find the legs with the holes on the front that holds the awning in place before putting the top on!  Make it easier to remember the front of the tent by wrapping a discrete band of colored duct tape around the very bottom of the front two legs.  

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