

We had a beautiful weather weekend. So in addition to spending a ton of time outside with the boys, I made a good dent in the list of frames that I need to construct before the show.

On Sunday we lugged the table saw and chop saw outside and got to work. Luckily, I had already made my run to Home Depot last weekend to get the wood. See photo below! Our poor little car hates when I make wood runs. :)

At this point I have all my wood cut and ready to assemble. Hooray! Up next, assembling the pieces, clamping, sanding, priming, painting, varnishing, installing and finally wiring. I am starting to understand why it is so expensive to have a framer do the work!


Buried Deep in an Old Tote

Back in December, my parents came to visit for the holiday. With them they brought lots of boxes. Some presents for under the tree, and others from storage in their garage that I left there a long, long time ago.

Most of the storage boxes were full of old text books from college. I found some old photos and negatives inside of a white envelope. I found slides of artwork from high school. And I found this letter below. It's funny what you forget over time. I have always loved making art, and inside of the old dusty boxes was a gentle and lovely reminder of that.


Count down to Opening Night

Last May, I put a couple of pieces into the members show at the Phoenix Village Art Center.  To my excitement, one of the pieces I entered took home best in show, to which I was given a solo show.  Dale Shuffler, a ceramic sculptor, also took home a best in show for a 3D piece that he entered.  So, we are sharing the space at the art center throughout the month of April.

I've been editing and adding to my body of work for the show over the past 10 months. Now, just 4 weeks away, the anticipation is building and I'm definitely feeling like we are in crunch time.  So, I'm going to make an attempt to keep an updated blog -daily is my goal- partly because I think it will be interesting to follow the 30 days leading up to a show, and partly because I'd like to remember this years from now.

I just finished up the postcards (shown above).  I ordered them through Vistaprint for a great price.

Here is a new piece that I am just now wrapping up...
Opening Night
20x20 Oil on Newspaper Covered Canvas
©2013 Teresa Haag