
Manayunk Bridge

"Manayunk Bridge"
Oil on Canvas
Here is an update on "Manayunk Bridge". I finished it up last night - however, there are a few little tweaks that I still need to make. The editing process seems to doddle along. It is such a rarity to sign a painting and then just leave it be. The more I stare, the more I hear it calling for a little adjustment here, and a little nudge there. That's ok though. You can certainly get the idea of what the finished piece will look like.

I've got the upcoming Corn Hill Arts Festival next weekend. I will be bringing all of my large originals and prints that I had made up. I will also be bringing along some of my smaller originals. (11x14s, 8x10s and 5x7s) - they seemed to be quite popular at the Manayunk festival.

As for selling the large originals, at first I was hesitant because I have been really focused on preparing for my solo show. I've been asking the patrons who purchase if they would mind lending the artworks back to me for a month during my solo show in 2013...so far, everyone has agreed.

Our cousin, Matthias Finke, who is an amazing photographer, will be showing at the festival as well. He has an extra tent that he was going to lend us - but it didn't have any sides. He warned us that if it rained we'd be in trouble. We checked on craigslist and found a decent deal on a once used festival tent. [Gulp] So we went ahead and purchased it.

It's a little scary and a little awesome all at once.  One thing that I am starting to finally get is that I just need to make the art that fills me up. I can't help but go back to the Dori reference on Owen's favorite movie - Finding Nemo...."just keep swimming, just keep swimming, just keep swimming, swimming, swimming". I have more to say on that particular topic, but will save it for another day - as I have so much eff'n work to do. :)

***Manayunk Bridge Purchase info - Dibs were called on this (unfinished at the time) painting by a couple at the Manayunk Art Festival....so I promised that I would give them first pick. I will post updated availability if things change


"9th and Q"

"9th and Q"
6x12 Oil on Canvas
"9th and Q"  - I worked on this little guy last night.  The intersection 9th St and Q St. is in DC near my friend Brian's house. I'm trying to decide if it wants to be a big painting at some point.  I'll be framing it and bringing it along with me to the Corn Hill Art Festival next week.  If you are interested in purchasing, send me a message.   $100


Manayunk Art Festival

At the last minute, I was offered a table in the Emerging Artist Tent at the Manayunk Arts Festival.  I had never done a festival before...so I got some prints made and put together some plain black float frames for my originals.  We scrambled with some display ideas and packed up the car to see how things would go. 

This is the first year that they had an Emerging Artist Tent.  It was such a great idea.  My tent mates were so great and came from all different backgrounds - painters, digital artists, jewelry makers, pastel artists, and print makers.  Some had just graduated, and some had grand kids. 

I snuck out of the tent before the festival was even open
 and snapped this street shot...the streets were already packed.

Emerging Artist Tent
Table Setup
I did a live demo painting during my two days at the festival.  It was pretty busy so I was in and out of working on it.  It's of the Manayunk Bridge.  A local couple has called dibs on it.  I should be finished up this week. 
Some of my tent mates.

The festival organizers stopped by the booth at the end of the first day with a ribbon for me.
 I won the Best Emerging Artist award. 
The festival was an amazing experience.  People were streaming through all day stopping by to talk about my art and tell stories about places that my art reminded them of.  I met a woman who is also from upstate NY, and although I didn't have any work that depicted that region, she purchased a one of my 8x10 original paintings of Paris. 

I sold 7 originals, including my Shoreline Motel.  I am slightly sad to see the Shorline go, but I know that it is going to a good home.  I also sold some art prints.  Based on the crowds feedback, next year, I'll have more original paintings of local artwork available. 

Up next...I was accepted into the Corn Hill Art Festival in Rochester, NY July 7-8.  So, I've got to get back to work!


Near the Bridge

"Near the Bridge"
oil on canvas
Phoenixville is full of architectural gems.  This little row of homes is located under the Gay St. Bridge, and is directly across the street from one of our favorite Saturday destinations...The Phoenixville farmer's market. 

Here is how this painting came about...
charcoal sketch on paper covered canvas

underpainting done in oil paint thinned with solvent

finished painting


New Painting - Shoreline Motel - With Progress Photos

"Shoreline Motel"
Oil on Canvas
On our cross country road trip where we circled the states, we stumbled across this little stretch of street next to the Pacific.  The run down shabbiness of the businesses along the highway, with the the salty air and the rolling fog was so surreal to me.  A scene unfamiliar living just outside of Philly....but oh so familiar to all that live in Port Orford, OR.

I've been getting some questions about my technique, so I took some stills of the progress of the painting.

Before I begin, I cover my canvas in paper.  Sometimes I use newspaper, but in this case, I used vintage dictionary pages torn.  I apply it with clear acrylic gesso.  (Liquitex).  I do this for a few reasons...I like the bounce and surface texture of the papered canvas.  I also love the life and energy that the peek-a-boo text adds to the finished piece.

Next, I sketch in the large shapes using vine charcoal.

Once my sketch is complete, I start blocking in with paint thinned with Gamsol.  This is my underpainting.  I use it to work out my shapes and values early on.

I then start adding in my paint layers...still working with slightly thinned down paint.

I changed my horizon line and started adding in more and more detail switching over to oils with Walnut Oil (Gamblin)

Finished Piece.

Close Up - looking closely you can see some of the peek-a-boo text - look under the awning and in the street signs.

Another Close Up

This piece will be part of my solo show at the Phoenix Village Art Center next year.  If you are interested in a print, you can purchase one from my Etsy shop.


Members Show Update

Last month was the Phoenix Village Art Center's members show.  There were about 40 artists who submitted work.  It was a great show. 

I submitted 2 paintings...

It was a juried show and the awards night was this week.  I am so excited to share that "Powell Street" won Best In Show!
Here is the really amazing part...the winner of Best in Show gets a solo exhibition in 2013.  I am still in shock as I didn't even consider this a possibility.  So...lots of work to do to get ready.  40 pieces is the goal. 

I've been doing quite a bit of painting lately.  I've got prints on Etsy, and just sold my first 2 in the past week.  I am considering doing the Ambler Arts Festival mid June and have a few commissioned pieces that I just started working on.